Hello SMABAS Students!
SMA Negeri 11 Samarinda’s students, Akmal Anwar from class XII-A and Tiara Assyifa Cahyani from class XI-C have participated in the XII National Raimuna Activities which were held on 14-21 August 2023 at the Pramuka Tourism Campground and Graha Wisata, Cibubur, Jakarta Timur.
Raimuna is a gathering of Enforcement Scouts and Pandega Scouts in the form of large camps in Indonesia organized by the Scout Movement Kwartir. National Raimuna XII Year 2023 carries the theme “Bangun Generasi Kita.” This activity was attended by around 17 thousand participants, including SMA Negeri 11 Samarinda students who participated in the activity.
The Principal of SMA Negeri 11 Samarinda, Mr. Akhmad Wasis M.Pd has handed over the Raimuna plaque as a form of appreciation for the achievement and trust that has been given to include SMA Negeri 11 Samarinda students in the National Raimuna Activities.
SMAN 11 Samarinda’s field
️ August, 2023
️ @renxy.xly as editor
@ginanintaa as narator
AKA @jurnalis.smabas
#smabassamarinda #SMABAS #smabasceria #kurikulummerdeka #majubersamahebatsemua #JurnalistikSMABAS #siswapenggerak #sekolahpenggerak
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